HGSCEA membership is open to anyone interested in German, Central European and Scandinavian culture. A membership year is based on the calendar year. It begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
Membership benefits:
listing in the HGSCEA on-line member directory
subscription to the HGSCEA listserv
right to submit items for the HGSCEA website
right to submit paper proposals for HGSCEA sponsored symposia
right to submit proposals for the HGSCEA Session at the CAA Annual Conference
Current HGSCEA members presen
Membership levels:
regular: $30
student: $15
contributing: $50
sustaining: $100
Contributing memberships at $50 and Sustaining Memberships at $100 help cover HGSCEA’s annual costs, which include a dinner reception at the College Art Association Annual Conference, the annual Emerging Scholars Essay Prize, and travel grants to CAA for junior scholars.
To Pay Dues:
Questions: contact the HGSCEA Treasurer at [email protected]
All new members, and renewing members, must fill out a membership form.