HGSCEA membership form


An Affiliated Society of the College Art Association

Membership is open to anyone interested in German, Central European, and Scandinavian culture.

Check all that apply
Contributing memberships at $50 and Sustaining Memberships at $100 help cover HGSCEA’s annual costs, which include a dinner reception at the College Art Association Annual Conference, the annual Emerging Scholars Essay Prize, and travel grants to CAA for junior scholars.
If you are paying by PayPal or Zelle, filling out this form on its own does not issue a payment invoice. You will need to go into your PayPal or Zelle and send the funds to HGSCEA, at the payment address indicated here.

HGSCEA leadership history

February 1997- February 1999

President: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Treasurer: Charles Haxthausen 
Secretary: Reinhold Heller
Newsletter Editor: Peter Chametzky
Board: Rosemarie Bletter, Walter Cahn, Steven Mansbach, Joan Weinstei

February 1999 – February 2001

President: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Treasurer: Reinhold Heller
Secretary: Charles Haxthausen
Newsletter Editor: Peter Chametzky
Board: Walter Cahn, François Forster-Hahn, Maria Makela, Steven Mansbach

February 2001February 2003 and February 2003 – February 2005

President: Steven Mansbach
Treasurer: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Secretary: Maria Makela
Newsletter Editor: Peter Chametzky
Board: Tim Benson, Françoise Forster-Hahn, Reinhold Heller, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann

February 2005 – February 2008

President: Peter Chametzky
Treasurer: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Secretary: Marsha Morton
Newsletter/Website Editor: Anna Brzyski
Board: Stephanie D’Alessandro, Tim Benson, Éva Forgács, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann

February 2008 – February 2011

President: Peter Chametzky
Treasurer: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Secretary: Marsha Morton
Newsletter/Website Editor: Anna Brzyski
Board: Tim Benson, Éva Forgács, Barbara McCloskey, Mitchell Merback

February 2011 – February 2014

President: Marsha Morton
Treasurer: Rose-Carol Washton Long
Secretary: Éva Forgács
Webmaster: Emily Pugh
Board: Jay Clarke, James van Dyke, Keith Holz, Juliet Koss 

February 2014 – February 2017

President: Marsha Morton
Treasurer: James van Dyke
Secretary: Jay Clarke
Website Manager: Elizabeth Cronin
Board: Keith Holz, Karla Huebner, Juliet Koss, Libby Otto

February 2017 – February 2020

President: James van Dyke
Treasurer: Marsha Morton
Secretary: Juliet Koss
Webmaster: Morgan Ridler
Board: Kathleen Chapman, Karla Huebner, Jeffrey Saletnik, Adrian Sudhalter

February 2020 – February 2023

President: James A. van Dyke,
Treasurer: Adrian Sudhalter,
Secretary: Jenny Anger,
Website Manager: Morgan Ridler,
Board: Nina Amstutz, Thor Mednick, Jeffrey Saletnik, Nicholas Sawicki

sustaining and contributing members


HGSCEA Sustaining and Contributing Members 2023

Sustaining: ($100)

Barbara Buenger

Francoise Forster-Hahn

Charles Haxthausen

Rose-Carol (Ricki) Washton Long

Maria Makela

Jeannette Redensek

Morgan Ridler

Jeffrey Saletnik

Margaret Schwartz

Sherwin Simmons

Adrian Sudhalter

James (Jim) A. Van Dyke

Contributing: ($50)

Jenny Anger

James Arthur

Rosemarie Haag Bletter

Kathleen Chapman

Jay A. Clarke

Rebecca Houze

Jacqueline (Jackie) Jung

Daniel H. Magilow

Steven Mansbach

Erin Sullivan Maynes

Allison Morehead

Marsha Morton

Elizabeth (Libby) Otto

Laura Tillery

Lynnette Widder

Andres Mario Zervigon

Contributing memberships at $50 and Sustaining Memberships at $100 help cover HGSCEA’s annual costs, which include a dinner reception at the College Art Association Annual Conference, the annual Emerging Scholars Essay Prize, and travel grants to CAA for adjuncts and junior scholars.

letter from the president

Dear Fellow HGSCEANs,

It has been a long time since I’ve written. It’s time for an update.

We had a great conference in Chicago last February. Our sponsored session, chaired by Marsha Morton and Pat Berman, was well-attended and offered listeners a set of four excellent and provocative papers on health, illness, and the art of medicine in the early twentieth century by Amanda Brian, Katerina Korola, Kathryn Carney, and Jonathan Odden. Jay Clarke, curator of prints and drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago, hosted a special event that gave members the opportunity to examine and to discuss some of the German, Scandinavian, and Central European works on paper there. Finally, we hosted another delightful members’ dinner at Bistronomic, where I announced the winners of the annual Emerging Scholars Publication Prize. After long and lively deliberations necessitated by the quality of the large pool of submissions, the Board decided to name co-winners. The first was Tamara Golan, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, for her article, “Mit dem Kreidestift und Farben: Revolutionizing Grünewald in the German Democratic Republic,” which appeared in the Oxford Art Journal. The second was David W. Norman, a post-doctoral scholar at the University of Wisconson-Madison, for his article “A Monochrome at Ukkusissaq: Pia Arke’s Home-Rule Earthworks,” which was published by October. Finally, an honorable mention was awarded to Michelle Oing, for her article “Carnival’s unstable objects: masks as human-sculpture hybrids in Nuremberg’s Schembartlauf,”  in Sculpture Journal. Even if very belatedly, I want once again publicly to congratulate all the winners of that competition, and thank everyone who submitted their work to the Board. It is always exciting to read the outstanding scholarship of our members. I am looking forward, as always, to this year’s competition!

CAA has traditionally been the main focal point of the organization’s activity, but there is no reason now for the annual conference to be the exclusive site of our activity. While we all have been happy, I think, to lessen the amount of time we need to spend on Zoom or Teams since the most dangerous months of the pandemic, we want to continue to utilize those platforms in order periodically to offer accessible events for all of our members, wherever they may live and work. This past May, for instance, Freyda Spira and Joseph Henry, curator and curator fellow at the Yale University Art Gallery, offered HGSCEA members a special online presentation of the exhibition “Munch and Kirchner: Anxiety and Expression,” which was on display there until late June. Freyda and Joseph spent well over an hour with the members who were logged in. They talked about the scholarly insights the exhibition had yielded with slides that focused on particular works in the exhibition. They gave a sense of the spatial and conceptual organization of the show with installation views. They engaged in a vigorous Q&A at the end. I want to thank them both very much for their willingness to share their work with HGSCEAns who were unable to visit the exhibition in person, and to Alison Morehead, a contributor to the exhibition’s catalogue and member of the HGSCEA Board, who initially proposed the idea for this very enjoyable event. Another exciting online curatorial talk, scheduled for late next month, is in the final stages of planning. Be on the lookout for the announcement this coming week!

So much for the year in review. Looking forward, I want to remind viewers of a few upcoming dates. The first is 15 November, which is the deadline for eligible members who are presenting papers in any session at the CAA annual conference to apply for travel stipends (https://hgscea.org/trave-stipend/). Second is the deadline for submissions to the Emerging Scholar Publication Prize. We haven’t yet determined that exact date, but it typically is in mid-December. I’ll send out more information later this fall.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you from afar at the upcoming online special event, and also at CAA’s annual conference in New York in February 2025! Our sponsored session, “The Visual Culture of Festivals in Germany, Scandinavia, and Central Europe,” is being chaired by Michelle Oing. You can see the call for papers on the CAA website (https://caa.confex.com/caa/2025/webprogrampreliminary/Session14130.html), and I encourage interested members to submit proposals by the deadline of 29 August! In addition to the session, we are at the initial stages of planning for the next members’ dinner as well as a few exciting special in-person events during the conference. Stay tuned!

That’s it for now. Please let us know about ideas for special remote and in-person events or ways that you think HGSCEA can better serve you. The Board would love to hear from you!

All best,
Jim van Dyke
HGSCEA President


HGSCEA membership is open to anyone interested in German, Central European and Scandinavian culture. A membership year is based on the calendar year. It begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

Membership benefits:
listing in the HGSCEA on-line member directory
subscription to the HGSCEA listserv
right to submit items for the HGSCEA website
right to submit paper proposals for HGSCEA sponsored symposia
right to submit proposals for the HGSCEA Session at the CAA Annual Conference
Current HGSCEA members presenting a paper on any panel at CAA who are either graduate students or have received their PhD within the last five years are also eligible to apply for a travel stipend of up to $500.

Membership levels:
regular: $30
student: $15
contributing: $50
sustaining: $100

Contributing memberships at $50 and Sustaining Memberships at $100 help cover HGSCEA’s annual costs, which include a dinner reception at the College Art Association Annual Conference, the annual Emerging Scholars Essay Prize, and travel grants to CAA for junior scholars.

To Pay Dues:

Questions: contact the HGSCEA Treasurer at [email protected]

Membership Form: 

All new members, and renewing members, must fill out a membership form.

hgscea: current board

2023 – 2026


James A. van Dyke, [email protected]
Associate Professor, Department of Art History
University of Missouri-Columbia


Nicholas Sawicki, [email protected]
Associate Professor of Art History
Lehigh University


Jenny Anger, [email protected]
Professor and Chair of Art History
Grinnell College

Website Manager:

Morgan Ridler, [email protected]
Independent Scholar, New York

Board Members:

Sara Blaylock [email protected]
Associate Professor of Art History
University of Minnesota Duluth

Jacqueline Jung [email protected]
Associate Professor
Yale University

Megan Luke megan.luke@uni-tuebingen
Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Tübingen

Allison Morehead [email protected]
Associate Professor
Queen’s University

As a membership organization dedicated to encouraging communication and fostering partnerships, HGSCEA solicits all comments, suggestions, and criticism regarding its various activities.

Questions regarding HGSCEA membership should be directed to: Adrian Sudhalter, [email protected]

Submissions as well as all questions, suggestions, and comments regarding the HGSCEA website and email list should be directed to: Morgan Ridler, [email protected]

All other questions, suggestions, and comments should be directed to the current HGSCEA President: James A. van Dyke, [email protected]