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New HGSCEA members are automatically added to the directory. If you do not wish to be listed or need to submit corrections, please write to [email protected].

Dustin Aaron
Assistant Professor, Rhode Island School of Design

Hannah Abdullah 
German art and culture post-1945 and contemporary German art

Esra Akcan 
Associate Professor of Architectural History, School of Art, Architecture, and Planning, Cornell University
German-Turkish exchanges in architecture; contemporary architectural theory

Samuel Albert 
Central European/Hapsburg modern architecture and urbanism

Anthony Alofsin 
Roland Roessner Centennial Professor of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
19th & 20th c. Central European architecture

Bridget Alsdorf
Professor of Nineteenth-Century European Art, Princeton University
Scandinavian Art

Nina Amstutz 
Associate Professor, University of Oregon
German art of the 18th to the early 20th centuries, especially Romanticism

Eric Anderson
Associate Professor, History and Theory of Art and Design, Rhode Island School of Design
Design history, interiors, furniture, product design, domesticity, Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, global modernism, The Ulm School

Jenny Anger 
Professor and Chair. Dept. of Art, Grinnell College
20th c. German art/theory

James H. Arthur
Independent Scholar
Max Beckmann, German art 1900-1914

Sara Ayres
Kingston University (UK)
early twentieth-century Viennese painting and interiors

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Stina Barchan
Weimar Germany, Dada, Hannah Höch, Kurt Schwitters, Scandinavian Modernism

Vivian Endicott Barnett
Freelance Curator
Kandinsky; Blaue Reiter; Blue Four

Stephanie Barron
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036
German art, 1920s-1930s

Brigid Barton
Santa Clara University, 2081 Webster Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301
19th-20th c. German painting, especially Neue Sachlichkeit

Lin Barton
Independent Scholar

Barbora Bartunkova
PhD Candidate, Yale University
European modern and contemporary art, photography, and film; interwar and Cold War visual cultures; Czechoslovak avant-garde; intersections of art and politics; transnational cultural exchange; representations of women and gender

Priyanka Basu
Art History, Humanities Division, University of Minnesota, Morris
19th- and 20th-century German Art, History of Art History, Aesthetic Theory, Applied Arts

Anja Baumhoff 
History of Art and Design at Hochschule Hannover
Art-, design and cultural history of 19th and 20th c. Germany; Bauhaus; gender history and theory

Jennifer Beetem
Art Historian
Bauhaus, works on paper, Kunstzeitschriften

Shulamith Behr
Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R ORN, United Kingdom
German 20th c.& Scandinavian modernism

Gretchen Bender 

Timothy Benson
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies, 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90036
German, Czech, Hungarian and Polish modernism 1900-1930

Benjamin Benus
Loyola University New Orleans
Modern Art in Germany and Central Europe

Joyce Berczik Corbett 

Patricia Berman
Feldberg Professor of Art, Department of Art, Wellesley College
Modern Art, History of Photography, Scandinavian Art

Margaret B. Betz
Savanah College of Art & Design, 125 Arnold Hall, 1810 Bull Street, PO Box 3146, Savannah, GA 31402-3146
Russian and Polish Art, 19th and 20th c. & spirituality

Ann Vollman Bible
German modernism

Susanneh Bieber
College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Modern and contemporary art and architecture; artistic exchanges between the US and Germany; museum studies, visual and material culture

Rosemarie Bletter
Ph.D. Program in Art History, City University Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave., New York, New York 10016-4309
Early 20th c. German architecture and design; Spanish turn of the century and American 20th c.

Sara Blaylock
Associate Professor of Art History, University of Minnesota Duluth
East German art, Cold War culture, Central & Eastern Europe, Politics and Aesthetics, Visuality

Frances Blythe
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Edinburgh,
Twentieth-century German art, architecture & literature; national identity & belonging; landscape in German history; Romanticism & its resonances

Max Boersma
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, FU Berlin
European modernism and the avant-garde, abstract art, craft, design

Katherine Boivin
Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Culture, Bard College
Medieval Art and Architecture, Late Medieval Germany

Oliver Botar
Professor, Art History, University of Manitoba
Hungarian Modernism, Bauhaus, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Biocentrism and Modernism in Central Europe

Annie Bourneuf
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
German Modernism, Dada, August Sander, Paul Klee, media history and theory of art

Kelly Brown
Student Utah Valley University
Weimar Germany, German Gothic Architecture, German Renaissance

Kathryn Brush
Department of Visual Arts, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, CANADA, N6A 587
German medieval art and architecture; historiography

Gregory Bryda
Asst. Professor, Columbia University
Art of the European Middle Ages

Anna Brzyski
Department of Art, University of Kentucky, 207 Fine Arts Building, Lexington, KY 40506-0022
Polish 19th & early 20th c. artworld; discourse & institutional analysis; nationalism & modernism; value in art & art history

Joe Bucciero
PhD candidate, Princeton University, Department of Art & Archaeology
Modern and contemporary art in Germany (and elsewhere), Neue Sachlichkeit paintin

Barbara C. Buenger
Prof. of Art History Emerita Univ. Wisconsin – Madison
Resighting Max Beckmann’s 1930s:
Novocento in Nazi-Era Europe

Nora Butkovich

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Jean Marie Carey 
Researcher Universitetet i Stavanger Arkeologisk Museum
Franz Marc / Animals in European Art, prehistory to the present

Bradley Cavallo
Temple University
Early Modern sexual aesthetics, Materiality

Peter Chametzky
School of Visual Art and Design, University of South Carolina, 1615 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29208

Alison Chang
Independent Scholar
Scandinavia, 1850-present; printmaking; critical race theory

Kathleen Chapman
Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Late 19th and early 20th-century German Art and Visual Culture

Theresa Kutasz Christensen
Independent Scholar
Queen Christina of Sweden, Gustav III of Sweden, copies, fakes, forgeries, early modern women, 17th and 18th century collecting, early modern Sweden, the warship Vasa, travel incognito, female collectors, display, Italian art, antiquarianism, Rome, sculpture

Peter Christensen
Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Art History, University of Rochester
Architectural History of Germany and Ottoman Empire, Critical Digital Humanities 

Paulina Choh
PhD Candidate, Stanford German Studies
History of photography, nineteenth-century visual culture, German gothic, ghosts

Jay Clarke
Rothman Family Curator of Prints & Drawings, Art Institute of Chicago
19th & 20th c. German & Norwegian art

MaryKate Cleary
New York University
20th century German art and architecture; cultural and national identity; art in the Nazi-era; exiles studies; History of Collection; the historic art market

John Collins
National Gallery of Canada
Mailing address: 380 Sussex Drive, POB 427, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 9N4, Canada

Shannon Connelly
Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, The University of Texas at El Paso
Dada, Neue Sachlichkeit, Regionalism and Transatlantic Visual Cultures

Heidi Cook 
Assistant Professor of Art History, Directory, University Art Gallery, Truman State University. 
19th and 20th-century Central European art and design, nationalism and art, Croatia and former Yugoslavia 

Andrea Crane
Senior Specialist, Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg, 60 Gramercy Park North, New York, NY 10010

Elizabeth Cronin
Robert B. Menschel Curator of Photography at The New York Public Library
Austrian and German Photography

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Stephanie D’Alessandro
Art Institute of Chicago, 111 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60603
19th & 20th c. German art

Caitlin Dalton 
Lecturer, Boston University
Twentieth-Century German Print Culture

Jessica Davis 
Adjunct Instructor of Art History, Tech Art History Society, Texas
Interwar period in France and Germany

Gokcan Demirkazik
PhD Candidate, UCLA
art and culture in twentieth-century Germany, German colonial history, history and theory of German anthropology, abstraction, Sigmar Polke

Rachel Denniston
Student, Courtauld Institute of Art
Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture, Material Culture, Women Artists, German Expressionism, Bauhaus, Utopias

Marion Deshmukh
Dept of History and Art History, George Mason University, 3G1, Fairfax, VA 22030
German Impressionism; Max Lieberman; post-1945 arts policies

Marco Di Nallo

Dorothea Dietrich
20th c. Germany; especially Weimar & 1960s

Marina Dmitrieva-Einhorn
Center for History & Culture of East Central Europe, Leipzig, Germany
modern art in Central & Eastern Europe; Renaissance in Central Europe

Elizabeth Doe
PhD Student, University of Virginia
19th and early 2oth-century French, American, and Scandinavian art

Charlotte Douglas
New York Universary, 125 St. Marks Place, Staten Island, NY 10301
Late 19th and early 20th century Russian and E. European art; Modernism; Textiles; History of science and technology; World War I; British-Russian connections; Outer space.

Magdalena Droste
LS Kunstgeschichte, Postfach 101344, 03013 Cottbus, GERMANY
Bauhaus; design history; gender studies; 19th & 20th c. art

Stefania Duricova
PhD Candidate, School of Art History, University of St Andrews
Central European history painting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mural paintings in Central Europe in the late Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Erin Dusza
PhD Student, Indiana University,
Czech Art, late 19th century-early 20th century, art nouveau, folk art, identity, nationalism, worlds fair pavilions.

Elisaveta Dvorakk
PhD Candidate, Humboldt University of Berlin, Instituted for Art and Visual History, Journalistic Travel Photography and Political Aesthetics of the Documentary in 1930s; Critical Theory of Photography; Aesthetics of Totalitarianisms; Gender, Postcolonial and Post-Secular Theory

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Sabine Eckmann
Director of the Mildred Lane Kemper Museum at Washington University in St. Louis
modern and contemporary German art, art and politics, new media, art theory

April Eisman
Iowa State University, College of Design, Ames, IA 50010
East German (GDR) painting and its reception; art & politics since 1945

Signe Endresen
Senior Curator, Munchmuseet
Edvard Munch, Prints and drawings, Gender, Material culture, New visual media

Cindy Evans
PhD Candidate at Florida State University
Modern and global contemporary art with special interests in postwar art in Germany and the Balkans

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Daniela Fabricus 

Michelle Facos
Professor, Indiana University, Dept. of Art History
19th & 20th c. Sweden and Germany; cultural identity; Symbolism

Lisa de la Mare Farber
Pace University
Renaissance & Reformation in Northern Europe

Marta Faust
Lecturer, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Art and visual culture in early-modern Germany and the Low Countries, printed images and print culture, replication processes and theories, medievalism

Susan Felleman
Professor, Art History & Film and Media Studies
University of South Carolina
Film and Media and Art History, Intermediality

Lori Felton 
Bryn Mawr
German and Austrian modernist art

Luke Fidler
Dept. Art History, University of Chicago
Medieval Art of Germany and Scandinavia
East German Art and Art History

Olivia Florek
Associate Professer of Art History, Delaware County Community College
Central European Art, nineteenth-century Art, female portraiture, Empress Elisabeth

Meghan Forbes
Postdoctoral Fellow, Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art
early 20th c. Central European avant-gardes, print history, periodical studies

Eva Forgacs
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena
Central European & Russian Avant-Garde; contemporary art

Françoise Forster-Hahnn
Distinguished Professor Emerita, Department of the History of Art University of California, Riverside, CA
German & European cultural history

Peter H. Fox
Tulane University, Art, Architecture and Design, 1880-1945

Jamie Fredrick
Temple University
German Expressionist Painting

Sarah Fruehauf
Research Assistant, European Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
19th-20th Century Austrian and German art

Christian Fuhrmeister 
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich
19th and 20th Century Art, translocation and provenance research

Valeria Fulop-Pochon
PhD Candidate, University of Bristol
Transnational modernisms, modernist women artists, twentieth-century art and design in Europe and beyond its borders

Susan Funkenstein
Lecturer, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, University of Michigan
Weimar visual culture; dance history; gender studies

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Miguel Gaete
Associate researcher, University of York
German Romanticism in Latin America

Isabelle Gapp
University of Aberdeen
Art history, Ecocriticism, Circumpolar North, Landscape Painting

Gediminas Gasparavicius
Myers School of Art, University of Akron, 150 E. Exchange St., Akron, OH 44325-7801
East European art, participatory and performance art, art and politics

Curt Germundson
Minnesota State Univ at Mankato, Art Dept.
Modern art; Dada; Constructivism

Haylee Glasel

Aglaya Glebova
Associate Professor, History of Art, UC Berkeley

Tamara Golan
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
15th and 16th-century Germany and Switzerland; German Democratic Republic

Lauren Graber
German and European modern and contemporary art; German politics; sound art and electronic music

Anne Grasselli
Postgradute Researcher, University of Edinburgh
German Modernism, Wassily Kandinsky, Bauhaus, Psychology of Visual Perception

Kerry Greaves
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,  Dept. of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen
Scandinavia, modernisms, exhibitions, collectives

Cordula Grewe

Beverly K. Grindstaff 
Associate Professor, School of Art and Design, San José State University, One Washington Square, ART 116 San Jose, CA 95192-0089
19th & 20th c. design history, art history & critical theory

Tomasz Grusiecki 
Associate Professor of Art History, Boise State University
16th & 17th c. central European art; global art histories; cultural entanglement; art history from below; early modern power dynamics; centers & peripheries; European perceptions of the wider world; urban culture

Luming Guan

Carolyn Guile
Associate Professor of Art and Art History, Colgate University                     East Central European Art and Architecture, Poland, Austrian Galacia 16th-20th cent.

Ksenya Gurshtein
2015-6 NEH Fellow

Andrea Gyorody 
Curatorial Assistant, Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies, LACMA
Postwar German art

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Thomas O. Haakenson
Associate Professor of Visual Studies and Critical Studies, California College of the Arts
German visual culture since 19th century, History of science and technology, Sexuality and gender

Richard Viktor Hagemann
Associate Researcher, Josef Albers Catalogue Raisonné
Josef Albers, German and American Art 19th & 20th Century, Art theory

Amy Kelly Hamlin
St. Catherine University
Twentieth-Century German and American art and visual culture, historiography, contemporary critical theory, and Max Beckmann

Erin Hanas
Dada, Fluxus, Happenings, museums, archives

Lauren Hanson 
Doctoral Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin
20th-century German art and culture; exhibition practices; transatlantic artistic exchanges

Jenny Harris
PhD Student, University of Chicago
Global modernism, abstraction, design, histories of dance and performance

Jack Hartnell
Ph.D. Lecturer in Art History, University of East Anglia, UK
Medieval art, visual culture, and medical history

Freyja Hartzell
Yale University
19th and 20th century European art and architecture; late 19th and early 20th century German applied arts

Charles Haxthausen
Robert Sterling Clark Professor of Art History, Emeritus, Williams College, 441 Hopper Road, Williamstown, MA 01267-3133
German 20th Century Art, Film, and Art Criticism, Sol LeWitt

Charlotte Healy
Senior Research Associate, Prints and Drawings, The Art Institute of Chicago 20th-century European and American art and design

Jürgen Heinrichs
Associate Professor of Art History, Seton Hall University  
Modern and contemporary German and American art and visual culture; African American art, history of art and medicine

Reinhold Heller
University of Chicago (Emeritus)
German and Scandinavian art, 19th & 20th c.

Joseph Henry
PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center / Florence B. Selden Fellow, Yale University Art Gallery
Expressionism, Dada; Neue Sachlichkeit; Marxism; Wilhelmine Studies

Suzie Herman
Graduate Student Department of Art & Archaeology Princeton University
Early Modern Art, Architecture, Cartography, Portraiture, Hanse, Patronage Studies, Hanseatic League, Maritime History, Trade History, Trade organizations, Dutch East India Company, VOC, Dutch West India Company, WIC, Ships, Book History

Rachel Herschman
Exhibitions and Publications Program Director, Beinecke Library, Yale University
Avant-Garde and Propaganda Puppetry in Early 20th Century Germany; Modernist reception of ancient art

Christiane Hertel

Vendula Hnidkova

Keith Holz
Western Illinois University
German art in Germany, France, CSR, England, 1890s-1960s; exile from Nazi Germany; critical theory; Holocaust commemoration

Rebecca Houze
Professor of Art and Design History, Northern Illinois University
Austria-Hungary, textile, fashion, exhibition, women designers 

Ivana Horacek
University of British Columbia
Collecting, Rudolf II, gifts

Karla Huebner
Professor Emerita, Wright State University
Czech modernism and visual culture, gender, periodical studies 

Stephanie Lebas Huber
Postdoctoral Fellow, Leonard A. Lauder Center for Modern Art
Interwar painting, figuration, Magic Realism, Film, Dutch Painting

Cecily Hughes
PhD Student, Case Western Reserve University
Scandinavian Medieval Art 1000–1500, German Medieval Art, Medieval Art from the British Isles, Humor and Play

Naomi Hume
Associate Professor, Seattle University
Central and Eastern European Art History, Gender and Representation, History of Photography

Aaron M. Hyman
Asst. Professor Johns Hopkins University, Netherlandish Art and its transmission, Print Circulation in 17th & 18th c., Amateur “craft” Habsburgs

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Toshino Iguchi
Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts
Hungarian and Czech avant garde art and design, interwar period

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Katherine Jackson
Assistant Professor Art History, Utah Valley University
conceptual, postwar, sculpture

Michael James
Ph.D. student, Binghamton University
Danish Golden Age painting, Scandinavian landscape art

Rachel Jans 
Assistant Curator, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Postwar German art

Adam Jasienski
Department of History of Art & Architecture, Harvard University
Habsburg studies, portraiture, perceptions of Ottoman culture, Spain & Latin America in the Golden Age

Paul Jaskot
Professor of Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Duke University

Kristina Jõekalda 
Dr, Ass. Prof. / Senior Research Fellow Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Eastern European, Baltic German and Estonian historiography, history of art history and heritage preservation, cultural identity, 19th-20th century

Julie Johnson
Associate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
Women Artists, Habsburg/Austrian Studies, Museum Studies, Historiography, Erasure/Memory

Cara Jordan
Provost’s Fellow in the Arts, Center for the Humanities, City University of New York Graduate Center
Joseph Beuys, postwar German art

Sharon Jordan 
Lehman College, City University of New York
German and Austrian Expressionism, 20th Century German art, Nietzsche

Frauke V. Josenhans 
Curator, Moody Center for the Arts, Rice University
19th & 20th century German art; Société Anonyme Collection; Cultural transfer between Europe and the USA; Exile studies in the visual arts; Global Contemporary art

Anna Jozefacka
Hunter College, City University of New York
19th to 21st-century art, architecture and urban design in Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe

Jacqueline Jung
Professor, Yale University
Medieval art, architecture, and visual culture in northern Europe


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Jennifer Katanic
CUNY Grad. Center
Early Czech modernism

Katrina Katzenbach
German Art History, modernism, Performance Art History, Intellectual History

Klara Kemp-Welch
Lecturer, Courtauld Institute of Art
Central European Modern and Contemporary Art

Lenka Kerdova
Central European art and architecture, Prague German architecture, Prague German speaking avant-garde scene and network

Dara Kiese
Parsons School of Design
Bauhaus, modern design and architecture history

Dasol Kim 
PhD Student, Rice University
Medieval and Early Modern Northern European Art 

Lidia Klein
Duke University

Adrienne Kochman
Indiana University NW
19th-20th c. Germany; Russian Empire; Ukraine

Raphael Koenig
Ph.D. candidate, Comp. Lit., Harvard University
French, German, and Yiddish Modernism (Literature, Visual Culture, Art History)

Genevra Kornbluth
Kornbluth Photography
early Medieval art, esp. Merovingian and Carolingian

Katerina Korola
Assistant Professor of German Media, University of Minnesota
History of Photography, German Modernism, Environmental Humanities

Juliet Koss
Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Professor of the History of Architecture and Art; Chair, Department of Art History
Scripps College, 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont, CA 91711
Modern European art, architecture, and aesthetic theory, with an emphasis on Germany and the USSR

Max Koss
Research Associate, Provenance Lab, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Periodical Studies, German Art since 1800, Applied Arts and Design, Provenance Studies 

Irena Kossowska
Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
19th and 20th century art, art theory and criticism

Claudia Kreklau
PhD, Associate Lecturer, University of St Andrews
Gender, Food, Material Culture, Identity, Middle Classness, Space

Sabine Kriebel
University College Cork, Ireland
20th century German art, photography, visual culture

Caspar Krisch
Humboldt University of Berlin
Postwar German Art; Contemporary Art & Theory; Critical Theory

Charlotta Krispinsson
Senior Lecturer, Södertörn University
Early modern Scandinavian art and visual culture, German and Scandinavian art historiography.

Anna-Marie Kroupová
PhD Candidate, University of Vienna
Central European art of the state-socialist period; cultural diplomacy; postcolonial

Katherine Kuenzli
Professor, Wesleyan University
European Modernism

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Karen Lang
University of Warwick, UK
German modernism; historiography; aesthetic theory

Chao Li
Doctor of Philosophy, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. 
Art and the Public, Aesthetics and Politics, Interdisciplinary Art, New Media, 

Carolyn Loeb
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University
Berlin redevelopment, civic space, public art, and housing

Sebastian Löwe
aesthetic theory, art theory, kitsch theory, discourse theory and analysis, aesthetics and politics, realism in the arts

Rose-Carol Washton Long
Professor Emerita, CUNY Graduate Center
late 19th – 20th c. German; Russian Central European visual culture, esp. Weimar

Thomas Love
Postdoctoral Fellow in Art History, University of Missouri
Contemporary German art, gender and sexuality studies, queer studies, critical race theory

Sarah Luginbill
University of Colorado Boulder
Medieval Europe, Christian materiality, devotional objects, reliquaries, portable altars, German lands c.900-1300

Martyna Lukasiewicz                                               
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan; National Museum in Poznan 
Poland Danish Art of 19th Century, Scandinavian Museology, Theory of Exhibition, Education

Megan Luke
Professor, Art History, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Tübingen
19th and 20th century German art, architecture, and art writing; Dada, Constructivism, and Neue Sachlichkeit; history of photography and film; sculpture theory 

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John V. Maciuika
Baruch College, CUNY, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Modern architecture and cultural identity; urbanism; German history. Geographic Focus: Germany, Austria, Lithuania, as well as Central & Eastern Europe in general

Michael Mackenzie
Professor, Grinnell College
German art and visual culture of the 1920s and 1930s; Neue Sachlichkeit; First World War; Modernist architecture; Postwar experiences and identities

Daniel Magilow 
University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
History of Photography; Weimar Germany; Holocaust Studies; German-Jewish Studies; Film/Cinema Studies.

Luise Mahler 
Independent Researcher
Early twentieth century modernism, with a focus on the German-speaking world and Italy. Her research interests include the evolution of abstract art, Cubism, transnational networks, and provenance studies.

Emily Gunzburger Makas
College of Architecture, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Central Europe/Balkans, nationalism. Bosnia-Herzegovina, urban history, architecture

Maria Makela
California College of the Arts, Visual Studies; 5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94618
Modern German Culture

Catharina Manchanda 
Jon & Mary Shirley Curator of Modern & Contemporary Art, Seattle Art Museum
modern and contemporary art

Steven Mansbach
Dept. of Art History & Archaeology, 1211D Art/Sociology
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 24742
Central European modern art, Baltic to Balkans

Joanna Matuszak
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
20th century Russian art, Central and Eastern European Art, women’s art, feminist art

Ewa Matyczyk
Junior Fellow, H+U+D, University of Pennsylvania
Eastern Europe, Poland/Warsaw, Cold War Era, Architecture/Built Environment, Memory Studies, Public Art, Social Practice

Erin Sullivan Maynes
Assistant Curator, Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
print culture of German inflation and Notgeld, Weimar-era prints and works on paper, German prints and print culture

Alexander McCarger
Baroque Theater, Baroque Art & Architecture, Scenography, Material culture, Performance, Opera, Ottoman Empire, Habsburg/Ottoman relations, Stage Design Costume Design.

Ellie McCartney
Visual Culture within Weimar Berlin, German Expressionism, Linkages between Art History and Dress & Textile History within Weimar Germany (particularly Berlin)

Barbara McCloskey
University of Pittsburgh, 104 Frick Fine Arts, Pittsburgh, PA 15620
German 20th c. art and politics; exile studies

Jacquelyn Delin McDonald
Adjunct Lecturer
German Art, American Art, Women Artists

Linda McGreevy
Old Dominion University
Critical Realism; Otto Dix; Käthe Kollwitz

Thor Mednick
Associate Professor, Art History, The University of Toledo

Christine Mehring
Professor and Chair; Adjunct Curator, University of Chicago; Smart Museum
20th century German and European art

Claudia Mesch 
Professor, School of Art, Arizona State University
East/West German cultural and artistic exchange; Charles White and the African American subject in GDR art; German and Italian Feminisms; Joseph Beuys and Fluxus fringe

Amelia Miholca
PhD Candidate, Arizona State University
East-Central modern and avant-garde art; Romanian art

Wallis Miller
Charles P. Graves Associate Professor, University of Kentucky
German modernism, exhibition and museum history, Architecture and Design, Architecture and War

Allison Morehead
Associate Professor
Queen’s University
Scandinavian modernisms; art and medicine; critical gender and race studies

Laura Morowitz
Professor of Art History, Wagner College
Vienna 1900/Nazi Vienna/Holocaust Art/Symbolism

Amanda Morrow
Student, Pratt Institute/Columbia University
18th-20th Century German and Austrian Architecture, Design, and Decorative Arts

Marsha Morton
Professor Emerita, Pratt Institute, New York
German and Austrian cultural history in the late nineteenth century with a focus on art, health humanities and anthropology

Eleanor F. Moseman
Colorado State University, Dept. of Art, Fort Collins, Co 80523
Early 20th Cent. Expressionism and Cubism in Central Europe

Peter Murphy
PhD Candidate, University of Rochester
Viennese Modernism, Postwar German Art, Figuration and painting, gender, sexuality, and queerness

Aleksander Musial
MPhil, Princeton University
Central and Eastern European classical reception and architectural history

Jeanne-Marie Musto
Librarian, Dorot Jewish Division, New York Public Library 
historiography of art, especially in Central Europe; book and library history

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Eelco Nagelsmit
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Religious art and architecture in early modern Germany, France, Low Countries

Morgan Ng
Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University
Early modern art, Early modern architecture

Kristine Nielsen
Ph.D. candidate, University of Chicago
modern/contemporary European & American art; historiography & theory; iconoclasm

Peter Nisbet
Chief Curator, Ackland Art Museum
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

David W. Norman
Forsyth Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Michigan
Modern and contemporary art in Scandinavia and the circumpolar north, particularly Greenland, Indigenous politics, Media aesthetics, Historiography

Sydney Jane Norton
Saint Louis University
Post-1945 German, Austrian, and Swiss art, German Expressionism, Performing and Visual Arts, 1914-present

Irene Noy 
The Courtauld Institute of Art
Modern and contemporary art, sound art, gender, post WWII German art

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Bibi Obler
Dept. of Fine Arts & Art History, George Washington University
Dada and Expressionism; applied arts; feminist theory

Jonathan Odden
Graduate Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Art History and Design in German-speaking Europe

Michelle Oing
Lecturer, Yale University
Medieval art and architecture; puppetry; theories of representation in the pre- and early modern period

Kelli Olgren-Leblond
University of Southern California, Art Dept. (Ph.D. Candidate)
19th & 20th c. German art & architecture

Claire Orenduff-Bartos
Ph.D. candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
Polish modernism; symbolist painting and sculpture in Central Europe

Elizabeth Otto
Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History SUNY Buffalo
Bauhaus, Weimar Republic, Nazi Period, Gender, Sexuality, Experimental Religions, Art and Politics

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Miriam Paeslack
Visual Studies Department, The University at Buffalo, SUNY
19th & 20th c. photography, theory, methodology

MaryClaire Pappas
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Scandinavian Art and German Art at the fin-de-siecle

Paul Paret
Associate Professor, Dept. of Art & Art History, University of Utah
20th c. art; history of sculpture; Weimar Germany

Nicholas Parkinson
Postdoc, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
19th-century Danish art; institutional history; monuments and cultural memory; historiography; Franco-Danish relationsBissera V. Pentcheva 
Associate Professor, Stanford University
Byzantine, Western, Islamic Medieval Art; music, acoustics, phenomenology

Fedora Parkmann
Dr.; Institute of Art history of the Czech Academy of Sciences
History of Photography, Art of the twentieth century, Czech studies

Matt Parry
Doctoral Candidate, University of Cambridge
East German experimental cinema, Intermedial and expanded cinema, Aesthetics and philosophy of motion

Gustav Jørgen Pedersen
Head of Research, MUNCH
Edvard Munch, modernism, philosophy, aesthetics, contemporary art, death

Elizabeth Petcu
Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Early modern art and architecture

Beate Pittnauer
Art and Photo Historian, PhD Candidate, Braunschweig University of Fine Arts, Germany
Modern European photography to contemporary visual cultures, French humanist photography, Ideology and Visuality, Politics of Representation, Memory Studies, Photobooks

Dorothy Rowe Price
Professor of History of Art, University of Bristol, UK
German Modernism – Expressionism, Neue Sachlichkeit, Weimar visual culture, post-war Germany, Race, gender and sexuality in German modernism and post-war Britain.

Emily Pugh
Head of Digital Art History, The Getty Research Institute
Wall-era Berlin, postwar architecture and urban planning, architecture in visual media, digital technologies in art historical research and publications

Bart Pushaw
University of Maryland
19th and 20th-century Nordic and Baltic Art, global art history

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Diane Radycki
Professor Emerita, Moravian University
Author, Paula Modersohn-Becker: The First Modern Woman Artist, Yale Univ. Press, 2013.

Jeannette Redensek
The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, 88 Beacon Road, Bethany, CT 06524
German architecture & urbanism

Anne Reimers
University College London
Modern Art and Visual Culture in Germany and Austria, Art Market Studies, Art Criticism

Morgan Ridler 
Independent Scholar
Bauhaus, Mural and Wall Painting, Modern Architecture

Vanessa Rocco
Assistant Professor of Art History—Modern and Contemporary; Dept of Humanities and Fine Arts; Southern New Hampshire University; 2500 North River Road, Manchester NH 03106
European photography and exhibition culture

Katherine Rochester
Curator and Independent Scholar
German modernism, Weimar studies, experimental animation, contemporary art, film

Lynette Roth
Daimler Curator of the Busch-Reisinger Museum and Head, Division of Modern and Contemporary Art, Harvard Art Museums, 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Nicoletta Rousseva 
Independant scholar
20th Century art in Eastern Europe, performance art and film in the former

Allison Rudnick
CUNY Graduate Center
Postwar German art

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 José B. Segebre Salazar
Doctoral Student in Aesthetics, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
Contemporary Art, Critical, Postcolonial and Queer Theory

Jeffrey Saletnik
Associate Professor, Indiana University
European modernism, visual culture of the interwar years, exchange between Europe and North America

Erin Eckhold Sassin
Assistant Professor
Department of the History of Art and Architecture, Middlebury College,
housing, social reform, gender

Maxine Savage
PhC, University of Washington
Scandinavia, 20th & 21stC, cultural studies

Nicholas Sawicki
Associate Professor of Art History, Lehigh University 
European modernism, early 20th century; Czech and Czechoslovak art; cubism, exhibitions, collecting 

Tamara Schenkenberg
Curator, Pulitzer Arts Foundation
Modern and Contemporary Art

Corine Schleif
Arizona State University

Kristin Schroeder
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of Virginia
Weimar, New Objectivity

Rainer Schützeichel
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
German architectural theory (19th and early 20th century), traditionalist architecture

Robin Schuldenfrei
The Courtauld Institute of Art
19th and 20th c. German architecture and design

Margaret Schwartz
German and Austrian modernist art, Northern Renaissance and Baroque art

Wylie Schwartz
Assistant Professor of Art History, SUNY Cortland
Postwar Northern European art; Nordic Neo-avant-garde; Artist collectives and experimental pedagogy (1955-1970)

Julia Secklehner
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Central European modernism in art and visual culture

Hannah Shaw
PhD candidate, Rutgers University
August Sander, History of Photography

Niccola Shearman
Dr – freelance lecturer
20th C Germany and Austria – Weimar studies – Psychology of Vision 

Svitlana Shiells
George Mason University
Gustav Klimt

Diane V. Silverthorne
Dr., Independent Scholar
‘Vienna 1900’; émigré narratives; music and the visual arts

Sherwin Simmons
Professor Emeritus of Art History, University of Oregon
20th-Century German art and design history

Suzanna B. Simor
Associate Professor, Queens College/CUNY
late middle ages, early modern iconography, Central European art and culture

Øystein Sjåstad
Associate Professor in Art History, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo
European painting 1860-1900, Christian Krohg, Semiotics, and Comics

Samantha Small
PhD Candidate, The Graduate Center
European Modernism, focus on German Symbolism

Briana Smith 
Harvard University
Postwar German Art; East German Art; Performance and Action Art

Kimberly Smith
Southwestern University, P.O. Box 770, Georgetown, TX 78627-0770
Early 20th c. Central European art; history of art history; Expressionism

Andrea Snow
PhD Candidate, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Early medieval Scandinavian art and religion; memorials and commemoration; the agency of objects; the supernatural; magic; small metals; stone carvings; blood; monsters and the monstrous.

Tonje Haugland Sørensen
Postdoctoral Fellow in art history, University of Bergen, The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

Freyda Spira
Robert L. Solley Curator of Prints and Drawings
Yale University Art Gallery
Early Modern, Germany, Denmark, 19th century, works on paper, Munch and Kirchner

Peter Sproule
PhD Candidate, Queen’s University
20th and 21st century art and visual culture, German men’s fashion illustration

Claudia Marion Stemberger 
Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Duke University

Pepper Stetler 
Assistant Professor, Miami University
Early twentieth-century German visual culture

Paul Stirton
Associate Professor, Bard Graduate Center New York
Hungarian and Central European art and design, c. 1850-1970

Eleanor Stoltzfus 
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Maryland
Central and Eastern European Art in the Twentieth-Century, Photography, Soviet Avant-Garde Theater

Elizabeth Doe Stone
PhD candidate, University of Virginia

Przemyslaw Strozek
Associate Professor, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Adrian Sudhalter
Early 20c modern art, Dada, Bauhaus, modernism’s infrastructure
Research Curator, Merrill C. Berman Collection

Alice Isabella Sullivan 
Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow in the History of Art
late medieval/early modern art, architecture, and visual culture in Central Europe and the Byzantine-Slavic cultural spheres; image theory; historiography; cross cultural contacts; patronage, monasticism

Leah Sweet 
Postwar German art, Joseph Beuys, food and art, religion and art

Andrzej Szczerski
Institute of Art History, Jagiellon University, Krakow, Poland
Arts & Crafts Movement in Central Europe; modernism in Central Europe(art, design, and architecture); Polish art after 1945

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Gregor Taul
PhD Candidate, Lisbon Consortium
architecture and cultural identity, postwar architecture and urban planning, 20th-century Baltic art, mural and wall painting, art theory and criticism

Tobias Teutenberg
Postdoc at University of Zurich/MPI Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome
Art History an Visual Culture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Laura Tillery
Assistant Professor, Art History, Hamilton College
Late medieval and early modern art in northern Germany, the Baltic and North Seas; Hanse trade; altarpieces; medieval Scandinavia 

Nathan Timpano
Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Miami
19th and 20th c. European art; German and Austrian symbolism & expressionism

Cindy Torgesen
Assistant Professor of Art History at Southern Utah University
Postwar Germany and the Balkans

Davide Tramarin
Post-doc research fellow – University of Padua (Italy)
Medieval Art History, in particular architecture and sculpture.

Jordan Troeller 
Doctoral Student, Harvard University
Bauhaus, Central European and Russian avant-gardes in Germany

Vanessa Troiano 
Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center
Modern and Contemporary German and Austrian Art

Joyce Tsai
Clinical Associate Professor of Art Education, College of Education, University of Iowa
Curator, University of Iowa Museum of Art

Jasmina Tumbas 
Assistant Professor, Department of Art, University at Buffalo SUNY
East European experimental art after 1945; histories and theories of performance, body and conceptual art; Contemporary Roma art; art and activism; feminism and art; modern and contemporary art and theory; politics of contemporary visual culture; critical theory

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Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
Early digital art, computer graphics, and abstraction in postwar Europe; Gender and feminist art history; critical oral history

James Van Dyke
University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Art History & Archaeology
109 Pickard Hall
Columbia, MO 65211-1420
Tel. 573-882-9532 Fax. 573-884-5269
New Objectivity; art in the Third Reich; Holocaust representation in German art; Weimar academies; Third Reich historic preservation

Michelle Vangen
Adjunct Assistant Professor, CUNY Kingsborough and Montclair State University
Early 20th Century German Art, Neue Sachlichkeit

Dora Vanette 
Ph.D. Student USC
History and theory of interiors with a focus on ideas of domesticity. Design and childhood. 20th century architecture and design in Central and Eastern Europe

Naomi Vaughan
Ph.D. Candidate
German Fascist aesthetics and architectural media, bureaucracy and built representation; theories of sovereignty; visual media; exhibition, presevation and demolition of fascist architecture

Brett Van Hoesen

M. Elena Versari 
Carnegie Mellon University
Futurism, the international avant-garde, internationalism and nationalism in the arts, totalitarian aesthetics, architecture, design and conservation

Ilka Voermann
Renke B. and Pamela M. Thye Fellow, Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University
Twentieth- and Twentyfirst-Century Art, Postwar German Art

Stephanie von Spreter
PhD Fellow, UiT The Arctic Universtity of Norway
Contemporary art, photography and new media, feminist art history, posthumanist and feminist theory, Scandinavian/Nordic art, art from the Arctic and circumpolar North, Environmental Humanities

Jane Vuorinen
Doctoral student, University of Turku

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Christy Wahl
German Modernism

Lucy Wasensteiner
University of Bonn, Department of Art History
Modern German art; National Socialist cultural policy; art in exile after 1933; provenance research and restitution; the reception of German art in the English-speaking world

Mate Wates
Contemporary German Art

Christian Weikop
Dr. Senior Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art
ECA, University of Edinburgh
20th cent. German Art, especially Expressionism, Dada, and Post-45 artists

Michael White
Professor of History of Art, University of York
The history and theory of the European avant-gardes and their legacies, particularly Dada and De Stijl

Lynnette Widder 
Professor of Practice, Sustainability Management, Columbia University
Post-War West German architecture

Dora Wiebenson
Editor-in-Chief, Centropa
Central European architecture & related arts

Robert Wiesenberger
Associate Curator of Contemporary Projects, Clark Art Institute
Modern and Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture

Christopher Williams-Wynn

Gregory Williams
Associate Professor
History of Art & Architecture, Boston University German art since 1940, contemporary art and theory

Isabel Wünsche
School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Jacobs University, Campus Ring 1, Research IV, 28759 Bremen, Germany
European modernism and the avant-garde movements, the Bauhaus, biocentrism, abstraction

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Michael Yonan
Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri, 109 Pickard Hall Columbia, MO 65211-1420
18th c. art; Habsburg Empire; Rococo architecture

Hyewon Yoon 
Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
European and American Modern Art & History of Photography

Andres Zervigon
Professor, Rutgers University
History of Photography

Jo Ziebritzki
Graduate Assistant, Heidelberg University 

Xiaojue (Michelle) Zhu
PhD Student, The Courtauld Institute of Art
German Modernism, Intersectionality, Weimar Republic, Art and Law, Art and Criminal Justice, Art and Resistance


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